Occurrence Of Tar Pollution Along Some Shores In Indonesia


  • J. Bilal B Prasetyo
  • G. Bodennec L. Loubersac M. Joanny




Pollution, Indonesian


Four typicul Indonesian costr : Jakarta Bay, Malacea and Makussar Strats, as well as South coart of Yogyakurta, Central Java, were nurveyed in August 1982 and May 1984 with the purpose of assessing, quantifying and identifying tar stranded thereon. The estimution of tar pollution was determined using a typical statistical methodology bated on a stratifled rundom sampling Quantitative beach sampling conducted in Augar 1982 during the East monuoon season yielded avenage stranded beach tar concentrations nanging from less than 1 gim to about 2.800gim (values in grost weight) of shoreline. The vuhuer obtutned in May 1984 after the West monsoon ranged between 2,8 and 9.500 g/m. In the two nunveys, the most polhuted area was located in the Kepulaun Seribu area (Jaharta Ray) Average tar weight of over 2 kaim beach are comparuble to that of other couut along major tanker routes as Kuwait or Benmuda Obuerved tur pollution in Aulae Kapal Besar , labon Kecil, Nirup, Pelampong and Takong Kecl (in the Straits of Malacca) and Langga Beach (on the Straits of Makussar) war lower during these nurveys. The reason why inapite of such dense marine traffic is not clear, until one examines the internal current circulation between the islands, the local geopaphical feutwes of the site and preferen tial wind directions.


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