Author Guidelines

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The Scientific Contributions for Oil and Gas is the official journal of the Research and Development Center for Oil and Gas Technology (LEMIGAS). Manuscripts in English are accepted from investigators/researchers in any institutions throughout the country and overseas.


Manuscripts are to be organized in the following format and sequence, with all pages, beginning with that for the running head, numbered consecutively.

  1. Running head: Provide the last names of authors (use et al. for more than 2) and a shortened title. The entire running head may not exceed 60 characters and spaces
  2. Title:Immediately after the running head give the title of the article, names of authors, and address of the first author. Include the email address, in italics, of the corresponding author only.
  3. Abstract:This should follow directly after the authors address with no additional spacing between them. You should provide an abstract of the paper that does not exceed 200 words.
  4. Introduction:The introduction should follow the abstract and should be un-headed. The introduction should establish the context of the paper by stating the general field of interest, presenting findings of others that will be challenged or developed, and specifying the specific question to be addressed.
  5. Materials and Methods:This section should give sufficient information to permit repetition of the study by others. Methods and apparatus used should be indicated, but specific brand names and models need to be mentioned only if significant.
  6. Results:This section should contain a concise account of the new information. Tables and figures are to be used as appropriate, but information presented in them should not be repeated in the text. Avoid detailing methods and interpreting results in this section. The results section may be subdivided and headed as for the materials and methods section.
  7. Discussion: An interpretation and explanation of the relationship of the results to existing knowledge should appear in the discussion section. Emphasis should be placed on the important new findings, and new hypotheses should be identified clearly. The primary heading and subdivisions, if needed, in this section are as described for the materials and methods section.
  8. Conclusions: They must be supported by fact or data. Conclusions are presented in brief considering the topic of the article, the purposes and objectives. They must not be presented in pointers.
  9. Acknowledgments: These should be concise. Ethics require that colleagues be consulted before being acknowledged for their assistance in the study. The heading for this section is as for the primary head described for the materials and methods section. Subdivisions are not used in this section.
  10. Tables: Tables are used only to present data that cannot be incorporated conveniently into the text. Ordinarily values from statistical tests are not published as tables; tests employed and probability accepted for significance can be stated in the materials and methods section with significant differences indicated in tables by footnotes or in the text by a statement.
  11. Figure:should be in black and white, and if it is made in color, it should be readable when it is later printed in black and white. Figure should be clearly readable and in a proportional measure to the overall page. Caption should be numbered, please provide the respective captioned figure in with extension (.tif, .jpg, .jpeg) within a particular folder apart from the manuscript.
  12. Literature cited: All literatures used as references must be cited in text, and vice versa all literatures cited in text must be written as references. References should be at least ten sources highly related to the topic with the following conditions:

80% of the references must be published within the last five years.

80% of the references must be in the category of primary sources (i.e., journal, published proceeding, thesis, dissertation).

Detail referencing manual can be downloaded Templates