Optimization of Process Design and Operating Parameters of H2S Removal Unit to Reduce Lean Amine Inlet Temperature of Amine Contactor at Upstream Oil and Gas Subsidiary SI

Budi Sulistiyo Nugroho, Restu Ramadhani Pratama Putra, Aprilia Indah Mandaka, Genoveva Lestari Kulaleen, Adhi Kurniawan


Upstream Oil and Gas Subsidiary SI is a natural gas processing company that operates an H2S removal unit to convert natural gas rich in CO2 and H2S into sweet gas. The main problem of this unit is the high temperature of lean amine entering the Amine Contactor. The purpose of this study is to determine the factors of high lean amine temperatures, evaluate the lean amine cooler, amine regenerator overhead cooler, and plate exchanger performance, and determine the optimal process design configuration and operating parameters. The method used is the simulation of the H2S removal unit with Aspen HYSYS, followed by a comparative analysis between simulation data and equipment design data. The independent variables of this study include Reboiler duty, reflux ratio, and heat transfer area in the Plate Exchanger, with the main dependent variable being lean amine temperature. The results showed that the high lean amine temperature was caused by a decrease in the performance of the Lean Amine cooler and amine regenerator overhead cooler, as seen from the UA and LMTD values of the simulation results which were smaller than the design. In contrast, the Plate Exchanger still functions well with a UA value greater than the design. Optimization was carried out by adjusting the process design and operating parameters of the H2S removal unit. The optimized design involves bypass reflux from the regenerator to the rich amine stream entering the rich/lean amine exchanger and increasing the heat transfer surface area of the plate exchanger to 62.17 m². The influential operating parameters are reboiler duty, liquid flow rate to the mixer, and plate exchanger heat transfer surface area. Optimal operating conditions were achieved at a Reboiler duty of 1,642 kW, a liquid flow rate of 1.4 m³/h, the reflux to Mixer ratio is 100%, and a heat transfer surface area of 62.17 m². In addition, it can be concluded that the optimization of process design and operating parameters successfully reduced the lean amine inlet temperature of the Amine Contactor.


H2S removal unit, lean amine temperature, operating parameters, optimization, process design.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29017/SCOG.47.3.1644

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