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M, Tjuwati (Indonesia)
M. Joanny, G. Bodennec L. Loubersac (United States)
Ma’sum, Hasan Ali, Center of Energy Studies (PSE), Universitas Islam Riau (Indonesia)
Maharsi, Dara A, Petroleum Engineering, Universitas Pertamina (Indonesia)
Mahendra, Riezky Kokky, Geological Engineering Department, Faculty of Earth Technology and Energy, Trisakti University (Indonesia)
Makertihartha, IGBN, Department of Chemical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia)
Makmur, Tjuwati, Research and Development Centre for Oil and Gas Technology "LEMIGAS" (Indonesia)
Makmur, Tjuwati (Indonesia)
Mama Anugrah, Andi Novita, Young Researcher LPPM UPN (Indonesia)
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