Pollen Record Of Early/ Middle Miocene Boundary In The South Sumatra Basin

Eko Budi Lelono


Early to Middle Miocene sediment obtained from three wells drilled in South Sumatera area has been evaluated for its micropaleontological content including foraminifera, calcareous nannoplankton and palynomorph. The boundary of Early/ Middle Miocene is clearly represented by zone N8/ N9 boundary based on foraminiferal analysis and zone NN4/ NN5 boundary on the basis of calcareous nannoplankton analysis. The rich assemblage of foraminifera and calcareous nannoplankton indicates the occurrence of marine sediment within the well sections. In addition, environmental markers of benthonic foraminifera suggest the occurrence of inner to middle neritic along the studied sections. Palynological analysis however, proves the high occurrence of pollen and spore along the marine successions situated in Early/ Middle Miocene boundary which is the first time to yield a good quality of palynological record. The Early/ Middle Miocene boundary is marked by low sea level in global sea level curve as indicated by significant decrease of foraminifera and calcareous nannoplankton. In addition, palynological record reflects climatic changes over N8/ N9 sediment marking Early/ Middle Miocene boundary with the declines of pollen assemblage suggesting seasonal/ dry climate condition. N8 sediment shows high abundance and diversity of palynomorphs including those of wet climate markers. Palynological assemblage drops gradually approaching foram zone N9/ N8 boundary, whilst seasonal climate indicators increase. On the other hand, palynological record recovers its assemblage over N9 sediment.


pollen record, early/ middle miocene, south Sumatra basin.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29017/SCOG.32.2.836

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