The Effect Of Additional Compressive Stress On The Seal Of Bottle Valve To Reduce The Leakage Rates Of Lpg Supply System


  • I Made Kartika Dhiputra
  • I Nym Guni Ridhanta
  • Dimitri R



leakage rate of LPG, compressive stress, diffusion fl ow, laminar fl ow, rubber-seal


The leak of LPG system can not be avoided in its uses as domestic fuel which considering it is one of the result from difussion fl ow. The leak because of difusion fl ow in 3 kg LPG tube is mostly caused by Laminar difussion fl ow known by comparing compressive stress with gasket seating stress which value less than 1 with characteristic in exponensial equations. Augmentation of compresive stress is proved in minimizing diffussion fl ow which cause subtraction in leak until 33.18% for NBR seal and 36.43% for vulcanized seal. Minimizing leak caused by increasing compressive stress is very affected by seal material composed representated by AL and nL. Numerical analysis founded that von mises stress received by seal is still under yield strength from rubber material with Factor of Safety (FOS) achieve at 7.08, this condition affi rms that defl ectation happened in Seal in its elastic area with maximum value about 1.326 mm. Beside that, numerical analysis show that difussion fl ow is occurred in seal creating gradation concetration based on the imminent of diffusion contact.


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