
  • Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Widarsono, M.Sc. Petroleum Engineering




quasi three-phase relative permeability, absence of laboratory data, modeling, procedure for relative permeability generation


Information about drainage effective two-phase – i.e. quasi three-phase – relative permeability characteristics of reservoir rocks is regarded as very important in hydrocarbon reservoir modeling. The data governs various processes in reservoir such as gas cap expansion, solution gas expansion, and immiscible gas drive in enhanced oil recovery (EOR). The processes are mechanisms in reservoir that in the end determines reserves and resevoir production performance. Nevertheless, the required information is often unavailable for various reasons. This study attempts to provide solution through customizing an existing drainage relative permeability model enabling it to work for Indonesian reservoir rocks. The standard and simple Corey et al. relative permeability model is used to model 32 water-wet sandstones taken from 5 oil wells. The sandstones represent three groups of conglomeratic sandstones, micaceous-argillaceous sandstones, and hard sandstones. Special correlations of permeability – irreducible water saturation and permeability ratio – irreducible water saturation have also been established. Model applications on the 32 sandstones have yielded specific pore size distribution index (λ) and wetting phase saturation parameter (Sm) values for the three sandstone groups, and established a practical procedure for generating drainage quasi three-phase relative permeability curves in absence of laboratory direct measurement data. Other findings such as relations between λ and permeability and influence of sample size in the modeling are also made.


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