In Situ Stress and Stress Regime in the Onshore Part of the Northeast Java Basin
Northeast Java Basin, in situ stress, stress regimeAbstract
In situ stress is importance in the petroleum industry because it will significantly enhance our understanding of present-day deformation in a sedimentary basin. The Northeast Java Basin is an example of a tectonically active basin in Indonesia. However, the in situ stress in this basin is still little known. This study attempts to analyze the regional in situ stress (i.e., vertical stress, minimum and maximum horizontal stresses) magnitude and orientation, and stress regime in the onshore part of the Northeast Java Basin based on twelve wells data, consist of density log, direct/indirect pressure test, and leak-off test (LOT) data. The magnitude of vertical (  and minimum horizontal (  stresses were determined using density log and LOT data, respectively. Meanwhile, the orientation of maximum horizontal stress (  was determined using image log data, while its magnitude was determined based on pore pressure, mudweight, and the vertical and minimum horizontal stresses. The stress regime was simply analyzed based on the magnitude of in situ stress using Anderson’s faulting theory. The results show that the vertical stress ( ) in wells that experienced less erosion can be determined using the following equation: , where  is in psi, and z is in ft. However, wells that experienced severe erosion have vertical stress gradients higher than one psi/ft ( . The minimum horizontal stress ( ) in the hydrostatic zone can be estimated as, while in the overpressured zone, . The maximum horizontal stress ( ) in the shallow and deep hydrostatic zones can be estimated using equations: and , respectively. While in the overpressured zone, . The orientation of  is ~NE-SW, with a strike-slip faulting stress regime.References
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