
  • Yani Faozani Alli “LEMIGAS” R & D Centre for Oil and Gas Technology
  • Edward ML Tobing “LEMIGAS” R & D Centre for Oil and Gas Technology
  • Usman Usman “LEMIGAS” R & D Centre for Oil and Gas Technology




microemulsion flooding, surfactant, ASP, chemical flooding, EOR


The formation of microemulsion in the injection of surfactant at chemical flooding is crucial for the effectiveness of injection. Microemulsion can be obtained either by mixing the surfactant and oil at the surface or injecting surfactant into the reservoir to form in situ microemulsion. Its translucent homogeneous mixtures of oil and water in the presence of surfactant is believed to displace the remaining oil in the reservoir. Previously, we showed the effect of microemulsion-based surfactant formulation to reduce the interfacial tension (IFT) of oil and water to the ultralow level that suffi cient enough to overcome the capillary pressure in the pore throat and mobilize the residual oil. However, the effectiveness of microemulsion flooding to enhance the oil recovery in the targeted representative core has not been investigated.In this article, the performance of microemulsion-based surfactant formulation to improve the oil recovery in the reservoir condition was investigated in the laboratory scale through the core flooding experiment. Microemulsion-based formulation consist of 2% surfactant A and 0.85% of alkaline sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) were prepared by mixing with synthetic soften brine (SSB) in the presence of various concentration of polymer for improving the mobility control. The viscosity of surfactant-polymer in the presence of alkaline (ASP) and polymer drive that used for chemical injection slug were measured. The tertiary oil recovery experiment was carried out using core flooding apparatus to study the ability of microemulsion-based formulation to recover the oil production. The results showed that polymer at 2200 ppm in the ASP mixtures can generate 12.16 cP solution which is twice higher than the oil viscosity to prevent the fi ngering occurrence. Whereas single polymer drive at 1300 ppm was able to produce 15.15 cP polymer solution due to the absence of alkaline. Core flooding experiment result with design injection of 0.15 PV ASP followed by 1.5 PV polymer showed that the additional oil recovery after waterflood can be obtained as high as 93.41% of remaining oil saturation after waterflood (Sor), or 57.71% of initial oil saturation (Soi). Those results conclude that the microemulsion-based surfactant flooding is the most effective mechanism to achieve the optimum oil recovery in the targeted reservoir.


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