The Comparation of Water Saturation Approaches to Reveal a Low Resistivity Reservoir Potential Case in Gumai Formation, South Sumatra Basin


  • Dhea Adisty Pratami Gadjah Mada University
  • Sarju Winardi Gadjah Mada University
  • Sugeng Sapto Surjono Gadjah Mada University
  • Widi Atmoko PT. Sigma Cipta Utama



petrophysics, LRLC, CEC, and gumai formation


The LRLC reservoir zone has been identified in SN-3 well, at the DAP-1 interval on Gumai Formation. This interval has a low resistivity value from 3-5 ohm.m and the drill stem test (DST) results show oil with gas without water. This study is objected to identify the causes of LRLC reservoir in gumai formation and finding a suitable sw calculation method. Some data such as well logs, reports, cores, and XRD are used to calculate petrophysical parameters such as Vsh, Phie, and Sw, and would be validated by DST data. Water saturation (Sw) calculations from Archie and the CEC method (Waxman Smits, Dual Water, Juhasz) were performed and the results were compared. The results showed that the main cause of the DAP-1 interval LRLC zone was the presence of clay minerals consisting of mixed layers (Illite/smectite). These clay minerals will be associated with high cation exchange capacity (CEC) values, with the value 70 (meq/100g), which can increase conductivity and reduce resistivity values. Based on lumping the more optimistic results of sw calculation from Waxman Smits Sw method (Sw based on CEC method). The DST data on the SN-3 well does not have water test data, so the calculation of the Sw value that is close to the Swirr value is considered the most suitable Sw for the low resistivity reservoir conditions of the Gumai Formation in the study area. The best practice for low resistivity reservoir for suitable petrophysical calculation is necessary to pay attention to the rock lithology conditions, the presence of mineral clay, and determining suitable Sw appropriate to the reservoir conditions


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