Uncovering The Potential of Low Resistivity Reservoirs Through Integrated Analysis: A Case Study from The Talang Akar Formation in The South Sumatra Basin


  • Fiqya Fairuz Zaemi Tanri Abeng University
  • Rian Cahya Rohmana Tanri Abeng University
  • Widi Atmoko Patra Nusa Data




Formation Evaluation, Low Resistivity, Petrophysics, Talang Akar Formation


The study area is an oil and gas field that has a low resistivity reservoir zone in the Talang Akar

Formation, South Sumatera Basin. The reservoir zone is composed of siltstone and sandstone that was deposited

in a shallow to transitional marine environment. The aim of this study is to identify and determine the potential of

low resistivity reservoirs in the study formation. The data used in the study include well log, mud log, core data

(porosity, permeability, petrography), formation water analysis, and biostratigraphy. The methodology includes

qualitative analysis to determine reservoir potential zones (quick look interpretation) and the reason for low resistivity

reservoirs, as well as quantitative analysis to calculate petrophysical parameters. The results of the quick

look analysis showed 77 low resistivity reservoir zones, but the petrophysical analysis identified 25 low resistivity

reservoir zones as potential candidates for drill steam test (DST). Factors causing low resistivity reservoirs in

the study area include clay mineral content (kaolinite and illite), conductive minerals (pyrite and siderite), high

salinity formation water (>10,000 ppm), very fine to medium sand grain size (0.063 - 0.5 mm) distribution of

clay minerals (laminated and dispersed clay), and thin laminates. The results of the petrophysical analysis show

that shale volume is less than 30%, porosity is greater than 14%, permeability is greater than 10 mD, and water

saturation is less than 70%.


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