Oil to Source Rock Correlation of Besuki Area and its Role in Petroleum System of Banyumas Basin


  • Yarra Sutadiwiria Geological Engineering Department, Faculty of Earth Technology and Energy Universitas Trisakti
  • Eko Bayu Purwasatriya Geological Engineering, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Cahyaningratri P R Geological Engineering Department, Faculty of Earth Technology and Energy Universitas Trisakti
  • Dewi Syavitri Geological Engineering Department, Faculty of Earth Technology and Energy Universitas Trisakti
  • Mustamina Maulani Petroleum Engineering Department, Faculty of Earth Technology and Energy Universitas Trisakti
  • Asy’ari Alfin Giovany Geological Engineering Department, Faculty of Earth Technology and Energy Universitas Trisakti
  • Anjar Kurnia Ramadhan Geological Engineering, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman




Source Rock, Oil Seep, Banyumas Basin, Correlation.


Banyumas Basin is a basin that has signs of the presence of hydrocarbons, including oil and gas
seep on the surface, which indicates active petroleum systems in the subsurface. A lot of oil and gas seeps were
found in Banyumas Basin, including oil seeps in Cipari and Besuki, while gas seeps were found in Mount Wetan,
Karanglewas, and also Cipari. Exploration drilling wells have also been carried out, such as the Jati-1 Well, Karang
Nangka-1, Karang Gedang-1, Tjipari-1, and Mount Wetan-1, but there still has been no significant evidence
of this basin producing hydrocarbons. The TOC value of the outcrop samples taken in Cipari and Besuki have bad
values, while the crude oil has reflected a severe biodegradation process. Both oil seep samples and one extract
bitumen contained high bicadinane (R (resin) annotation) and oleanane indicating both oils and extract to have an
input to Tertiary-sourced oils throughout Southeast Asia. Both oil seep samples do not exhibit similarity with the
extract source rock. Based on this negative correlation there may be another source rocks in Banyumas Basin, derived
from rocks that are not only from Pemali Formation. The existence of this research is expected to be able to
add geological data, especially hydrocarbon geochemical data in Banyumas Basin, so that it can provide evidence
of the prospect and calculation of reserves contained in this basin, and an understanding of the source rock it self.


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