oil-field brines, plants, treatmentsAbstract
This research study used the oil-field brines (produced water) from West Java as a test material and aimed to discover the short term and long term effects on the test plant. The chemical properties of such oil-field brines were also examined and classified.
Young (15 dovs old) stoge of soy bean (Glycine max. (Merr). L.) was used as the test plant. Experiment was carried out in a small green house using several pots. A completely randomized design was applied to 6 treaments (concentrations) and 4 replicates for the period of 12 days under the DC50 (Damage Concentranion) value. Each replicate consists of 3 pots, and every pot contains 3 test plants. The observation was carried out until day 10 after 12 days of treatment.
The following were abserved the height of the plants, the width of the canopy and the number of leaves Chlorophyl contents were also examined as an additional observation at the end of experiment. Data was analyzed by Anova oneway using the Minitab package. The results of the experiment indicate that almost all treatments were significantly different from the control treatment.
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