
  • Jaspar Billal Research and Development Centre for Oil and Gas Technology "LEMIGAS"



Oil Pollution, Sourheast


The Sourheast Aslan Seas it a region having valuable and vulneruble marine and coattul resources and sinuated along denaely shipping router and oil uctiviries.

            The concerm of the coastal countries in the repion on marine oil pollution has been pointed out in uriout regional meetings.

            Many researchen and their institution started to look on the level of the contaminarion The author tummartzer and compare all information available and expose the g of knowledge on the extent of oil contamination tn the region.

            A Regional Cooperation for the asseument and enaluarion af ol polhution it needed and being exrablished to ennure and obtain a compatible data and meaningful regional innerpretarion,



Anonymous, 1979, Integrated Global Ocean Survey Sy stem, Marine Pollution (Petrolkum) Monitoring Pilot Project, Floating Tar Survey, IOC/WMO Brochures.

Anonymous, 1979, Integrated Global. Ocean Survey System, Marine Pollution (Petroleum) Monitoring Pilot Project, Hydrocarbon Survey, 1OC/WMO Brochures,

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Maheswaran, A., 1978, Marine Pollution and its Control in its Marine Science Conference, Kuala Lumpur.

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Morgan, J.R. and J.M. Valencia, 1983, Arlas for Marine Policy in South East Asian Seas University of California Press.

Nasu, Kamiyanagi and Kitani, 1975, Petroleu Polkution in the High Seas Oceanographic Survey Notes No. 2, Japan

Piyakarnchana, T., Temiya Vanich, J., Sakarin, T., Sukmimit and Wootistiraphinyoe, 1979 A Survey of Tarballs on the beaches of Thalland, National Researeh Council, Bangkok.

Phang, S., T.K. Hwang, and T.T. Ang, 1980, A Study of the Hydrocarbon Content in the Coastal Water along the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia in Coastal Resources of East Coast Peninsular Makaysia, University Sains Malaysia, Penang.

Valencia, J.M., 1981, Shipping, Energy and Environment; Southeast Aslan Perspective for 1980's, East-West Center, Honolulu,

Vashrangsi, Marine Pollution Research in Thai IWater 1977- 1978, National Research Council, Bangkok. 1979 Proc. of the Symposium on

Wattayakorn, G., 1986 Peroleum Hydrocarbons in Water and Sediments from the Gulf of Thailand, in 3rd. Seminar on Marine Science, National Research Council of Thailand, Bangkok,

Wasiloen, K., 1978, Monitoring of Pollution along the Eastern Coast of Sumatra in Marine Fisherles Report No. 1/1978, Jakarta.



