Determination, Petroleum, Waste WaterAbstract
A regulation concerning waste water quality for oil and gas activities in Indonesia has recently been issued in the State Minister for Environment Decree No. 42/MENLH/10/1996. Waste water quality for oil and gas activities is classified in this decree according to the type of activities, namely exploration and production activities, refineries, and petroleum product storage and distribution activities. Maximum permissible concentration of oil and grease in waste water varies depending on the activities and mode of discharges. The oil and grease concentration in operation waste water that ranges from 20 ppm for the refineries to 75 ppm for off shore production have led to the variation in determination methodologies. Survey on oil and grease determination methods in Indonesia indicated that determination method ranges from gravimetric method that is unsuitable for light fraction to spectrometric method that depends on the oil standard. Moreover variation of solvent will give different result. This paper describes an overview of oil and grease determination conducted by the Indonesian oil and gas companies informing the advantages and disadvantages of each method. The possible single method that can be utilized as a standard method as well as approaches in conducting correlation program is proposed.References
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