Suliantara Suliantara


The application of the remote sensing and geographic information system was widely used in the oil and gas industry in Indonesia. These technologies have been recognized as a support/tool on both upstream to downstream, from geologic information extraction, logistic support to various activities of environment. Remote Sensing (RS) is defined as the science and technology by which the characteristic of the objects of interest can be identified, measured or analyzed without direct con- tact. Aircraft and satellite are common platform from which remote sensing observation are made. The term RS is restricted to method that employ electromagnetic energy as the means of detecting and measuring target characteristic (Figure 1). Geographic Information System (GIS) is actually unique system because it will man- age both spatial and attribute data in one-reference entities (Figure 2). Spatial data is the kind of data that refer to certain geographic domain, or geoinformation and usually display as thematic map. Attribute data refer to non-thematic map, such as table or other data- base. In general, the oil and gas activity is divided into two parts, i.e.: upstream and downstream activity or on the exploration and production phase. On the production phase, the hydrocarbon is transported from production well to gathering station, refinery plant and or export facilities. Pipeline is one way to connect oil and gas activities in oil and gas transportation. In Indonesia oil and gas fields are located at various physiographics, that vary from tropical forest to offshore area. So, they needs certain tool that can gather the earth surface condition efficiently. Remote Sensing and GIS technology offer a capability to support such needed. The capability of this technology is increasing in recording earth surface condition spatially and data variety. The case studied lay between Merbau to Pagardewa, South Sumatera, generally covered by forest, rubber plantation, villages and local residences, limited road network and geologically dominated by Tertiary and Quaternary sediments. Remote sensing of medium spatial resolution was applied to gather the earth surface situation. GIS technology was applied to manage all data that have been collected.


Application, Geographic, Pipeline Route

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