Uji Kelakuan Fase dan Tegangan Antarmuka Minyak-Surfaktan-Kosurfaktan-Air Injeksi
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Teks Lengkap:
Robbins, M.L.: "Theory For The Phase Behavior of Microemulsions Microemulsions", SPE 5839, 1976. p. 540-561.
Peter, H.D. and William, H.W.: "Alkyl Benzene Sulfonate For Producing Low Interfacial Tensions Between Hydrocarbons and Water", J. Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 59, No. 3, May 1977. p. 525-531.
Prince. LM: "Theory and Practice of Microemulsions", Academic Press, INC., New York 1977.
Wilson, PM, and Brander, CF: "Aqueous Surfactant Solution Which Exhibit Ultra Low Tension at the Oil-Water Interface "Presented at the 165th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Dallas, April 1973.
Cayias, J. L, Schecter, R.S and Wade, W.H.: "The Measurement of Low Interfacial Tension via the Spining Drop Technique," in Adsorption at Interfaces, ed. by K. L. Mittal, A.C.S. Symposium Series 8, 1975, p.234-247.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.29017/LPMGB.38.1.746