Profil Perubahan Nilai Resistivitas Reservoar Pada Batu Pasir Karena Pengaruh Mineral Glaukonit
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Teks Lengkap:
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Winardi, S., Surjono, S.S., Amijaya, D.H.,Suryanto, W., 2018, The Influence of Hematite in Sandstone Reservoir, Proceeding of 12nd Seatuc, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
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Zaemi, F.F., Rohmana, C.R., and Atmoko, W. (2022) Uncovering The Potential of Low Resistivity Reservoirs Through Integrated Analysis : A Case Study from The Talang Akar Formation in The South Sumatra Basin, in Scientific Contributions Oil and Gas (SCOG) Vol.45, p. 169-181.