The Occurrence Of Corrosion Problem In Oil Production Equipment Caused By Sulfate Reducing Bacteria And Dissolved Oxygen


  • Nuraini Nuraini
  • Febrianto Febrianto



corrosion, sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB), H2S and O2 dissolved gas, oil production equipment


One of most problems occur in oil production equipments is corrosion that is caused by some factors, such as the existence of sulfate reducing bacteria and dissolved oxygen in injection water. Based on the results of laboratory, A–GS and R–GS contain 0.90 ppm and 1.19 ppm dissolved oxygen and have potential to form corrosion problem, except D–GS with 0 ppm dissolved oxygen and no corrosion problem. After SRB tests, A–GS tube appearance colour is not black, because SRB is not found in the A–GS injection water. Whereas, R–GS and D–GS contain SRB with sulfate reducers > 100,000, therefore R–GS and D–GS tubes appearance colour are completely black


Patton,C.C.: “Oilfield Water Systemâ€, Campbell

Petroleum Series, 1977.

Ostroff, A.G.: “Introduction to Oilfield Water Technologyâ€,

Prentice-Hall, Inc, 1965, p. 18-54.

Case, L.C.: “ Water Problems in Oil Production “,

edition, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1977.

Patton, C.C.: “Applied Water Technology “,

Campbell Petroleum Services, Oklahoma, USA,

, p.74.

Sanicheck–SRB, Tests System For Counting

Sulfate Reducing Bacteria.

Jones, L.W. : “ Corrosion and Water Technology

For Petroleum Producersâ€, OGGI Publication,

, Tulsa.

Dissolved Oxygen equipment manual



